Another Year in Sicily

Happy New Year!

If any of you have been keeping close tabs on us then you know that we've completed our two years here in Italy already. We decided a year ago (but I don't think I posted it on here) that we would stay a third year. Thanks to Westside church of Christ and their support and the prayers and support of many other family and friends we are able to do this.

We ended 2014 and started 2015 the same way we did last year - by spending time with some of the young Christians here in Italy at "camp." From December 27th till January 2nd we stayed in a small village in the foothills of Etna. The theme this year that Giorgio Cammarata, the director, set was "Jesus with us. Us with Jesus." The camp was for youth aged 10-25 years old, and there were three classes split up by age. Several adults from the area and a few from up north also came to the camp, and there was a separate class held for them taught by Roberto Negri. Also, thanks to Roberto this year we had chorus practice every day.

Alan and I had the pleasure of teaching the smallest kids (10 and under) who came with their families to the camp. We had five kids, and it was one of the most enjoyable experiences we've had here. They were so eager to learn and so attentive! The whole week was a lovely experience, and we enjoyed getting to know everyone even better and see friends from the "mainland" Italy who we don't get to see very often.
Our awesome little class! 

There is a video on youtube with a slideshow showing some of the things that happened at camp. Here is the link: Catania Camp 2014-15

Davey, as you can see in the pictures, was the most popular camper. He seemed to enjoy all the attention and was hamming it up for everyone.

It snowed two nights that we were there, which is apparently a really rare occurrence here in Sicily unless you are on TOP of Mt Etna.
Holiday here lasts through the 6th of January, which is when the Befana comes. The Befana comes on the eve of January 5th (traditionally the Ephiphany Eve) and fills stockings with candy for all the good kids and coal for the bad kids. So basically like our Santa Claus, who they also have here on Christmas, but the stockings are saved for the Befana on January 5th.

January 7th, Alan started classes back up with our students again.  We received some of Davey's American papers. We are just waiting on his passport, and then we will be planning a trip back to the states to visit for three weeks. It will be the first time in over two years that we'll be back in the States together.


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