Vacation Bible School Florence

Since I haven't updated in a while, I have a lot to write about.  I'll probably break it up into a couple of blogs here in the next couple of days or so if I can. 

Last time I wrote about our decision to move to Catania.  Well, we are here, but before I discuss that subject I have a few things to update about what we did in Florence.

First, we had VBS on June 15th at the church.  Everyone put a lot of work and effort into it, and it showed because it went famously well! We had 25 kiddos show up from the churches in the area.  The theme was Corri la Corsa (Run the course), and the theme was based off of the verse Hebrews

We used the analogy of being ready to run the race of the Christian life on Jesus' team with preparing for a physical race/event.  So we started with a physical warm up that Simone led the kids in.  They had a lot of fun with that.  Then they split off into classes.  We had three classes that expanded on this theme.  The topics of the three classes were: perseverance, staying on Jesus' team, and burdens.  Once classes were finished, they had to go through an obstacle course.  We had different "burdens" that they had to have the first time they went through.  The second time they went through the course they didn't have the burdens anymore signifying that when we let Jesus take our burdens it's much easier to run the race.  For example, they had a wall (that Alan and Peter built) that they had to climb.  The first time they did it with a weighed down backpack, then there was a maze that they had to go through with a big suitcase, and last there was another maze that they had to go through blindfolded.  Robbie finished off VBS by giving the final talk and reviewing with the kids.  They seemed to have a lot of fun, and they all seemed to have learned and picked up on the lessons.  We ended the day with eating outside with everyone.  It was a good day.

I encourage you to watch the VBS video at this link.  There are several photos.  There was no way I could include them all on here.  
Hope you enjoy the VBS video!

More to come soon...


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